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What Is A Network Assessment & Does Your Company Need One?

May 26, 2022

What is a Network Assessment?

Throughout the advancements in workplace technology and the migration to digital workspaces, the need for a network assessment becomes ever more pressing.

It’s easy for your IT solution to feel like it’s gotten out of hand, especially with a rapidly expanding business. The addition of new employees, regulations, or more clients can mean you need more technology to be successful. This can be quite difficult to keep up with. Many business owners do not have the expertise or time to perform routine network assessments.

Blade Technologies, Inc. is a professional IT company in St. Louis, Missouri. We specialize in a wide range of cybersecurity services, including network risk assessments. Blade has over 15 years of experience in providing cybersecurity and managed IT services to businesses of all sizes.

Continue reading to learn more about network assessments from Blade Technologies, Inc.

What is a Network Assessment?

A network assessment is an in-depth analysis of your business’s information technology security and strategy.

When performing a network assessment, Blade will assess your business’s preparedness for internal and external cybersecurity threats. We will also take inventory of your current systems and software, allowing them to note any needs for upgrades or additional technology.


Why Do I Need a Network Assessment?


Improved Security

A network security assessment from Blade gives us the opportunity to identify the most vulnerable aspects of your network security. Blade will work with you to determine what cybersecurity threats your business is most at risk for.

After any network weaknesses have been identified, Blade then can create a plan to increase your business’s cybersecurity through security controls and systems.

Ensuring Your Technology Complies with Industry Regulations

Information technology security is important for all businesses but is especially vital for those subject to regulations such as HIPPA and the SCC, which both require additional information security measures to be in place.

A security breach can lead to industry fines or suspensions, alongside the possibility of slowing down your business’s operations.

A risk assessment from Blade will help you determine if your systems are up to industry standards and where you need to improve.

Monitoring for New Threats

Network assessments make you more familiar with your business’s systems, which can make it easier to identify cybersecurity threats or abnormal activity.

Improves the Efficiency of Your Information Technology

Not everyone can be an IT expert – especially as each system and software further develops. Many businesses find that they are not managing their cybersecurity in the most efficient way. An example of this would be having multiple service providers for the same software, which can be more difficult than having a single provider.


What Do Network Assessments Analyze?


The Physical Inventory of Systems and Hardware

As your business grows, so does your need for technology. Having a full inventory of your business’s systems and hardware gives you the ability to:

  • Monitor each system’s performance
  • Identify future needs for technology
  • Perform routine system updates

The Network’s Overall Security

A risk assessment from Blade allows us to evaluate your overall network security and provide guidance on how to improve your security. The number of cybercriminals and cyber-attack methods grows larger each day, meaning it can feel impossible to protect yourself from all existing threats. An experienced IT company, like Blade, can determine ways to mitigate the risk of cyber threats.

Audit of Network Management

Network management plays a large role in your business’s cybersecurity. A poorly managed network is potentially hazardous for all devices running on the network and can even negatively affect your company’s productivity.

Blade’s network assessment tools will identify any points of network vulnerability to keep your business safe from cyber threats.

Analysis of Network Performance

A problem with your network can lead to poor network performance. This can make it difficult or frustrating for your employees to carry out their everyday tasks.

Blade will scan your network and give you a detailed report about your network’s performance. We will also give you more information on areas of your network infrastructure needing improvement.

Network Statistics

Network statistics help to identify opportunities for improvement. They let IT professionals, like Blade, see an overview of your network’s performance.


Request a Network Assessment from Blade

A network assessment can provide insight into many aspects of your network infrastructure and identify areas needing improvement. Understanding your network can help you make informed and strategic business decisions, as most businesses rely on technology for their success.

Blade Technologies, Inc. provides comprehensive network assessments for businesses of all sizes. We use our 15 years of experience in cybersecurity to provide insight on cybersecurity threats and network performance.

Contact us today to learn more about our skilled network assessment solutions.

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