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Tips for Keeping a Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record


Sep 2, 2021

Tips for Keeping a Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record

With more businesses including venues, and restaurants requiring proof of vaccination, it's important to keep your vaccine card safe.

Your vaccine card might not fit in your wallet, it could get wet in your pocket at an outdoor concert, or you may have already lost it.

While a physical copy of your card is still important to have, a digital version can be just as reliable, and safer. Luckily, photos, new apps, and other digital methods provide multiple ways to show your vaccination status.

Blade's own Chief Information Security Officer, Scott Shaffer, appeared on St. Louis' Fox2Now's Tech Talk series to share some tips for keeping a digital vaccine card.


Take a Photo of Your COVID-19 Vaccination Card

The easiest way to keep a digital record of your vaccine is to take a photo of your card. Take a picture of the front and the back and you have it as a backup in case your card gets lost or damaged.

A photo might not work for proof in every place of business, but most places are accepting photos. If you're attending a concert and your ticket is on your phone, it's easier to just swipe over and show the picture of your vaccine card.

By taking a picture, it automatically gets stored in your cloud or other photo storage, so if something happens to your phone, you can still access the photo. Saving the picture to your favorites on your phone also lets you find it easily without scrolling through hundreds of other pictures.


Use a COVID Vaccine Card App

Another popular method of keeping a digital proof of vaccination is to use a mobile app. Some states are creating apps to track and show vaccination status, but Missouri and Illinois don't currently have them.

There are third-party apps that can be useful in the meantime. Blade recommends Clear. Once you download the app, you can look for your vaccine provider and upload a photo of your vaccine card. You now have a digital copy of your card that's easily accessible.

Download Clear App


Contact Your Vaccine Provider

Depending on where you received your vaccination, they may have a digital process of their own. If you received your shots from major pharmacies like Walgreens or CVS, you can look up your vaccine information with them and download it. You'll be able to see a record of the lot number of your vaccine, the date you got the shot, and other helpful information.

If you didn't receive your shot from a pharmacy, you can contact the organization or office you went through to see if they use SMART Health Cards. These cards have a QR code that once scanned, allows you to set up an account to quickly view your health records, including vaccines.

You might also be able to access a digital vaccine card through your county's health department or other local government offices.

Keeping a digital record of your vaccine is important, but it may not be accepted everywhere. If you've lost your physical card, then reaching out to the organization you received your vaccine from is probably the best option.


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